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What is in this set:


All tenses - past, present, future (Ka, Kei te, Kua, I, I te,) One of each beginning with uppercase and lowercase.

Front tag tense indicators, for example., 'I ngā hararei (In the holidays), 'I ngā rā whakatā (In the weekend)', 'I tērā wiki' (Last week)', 'Ā tērā wiki' (Next week) etc,  used to begin stories, as well as 'Katahi ka' (and then...), 'Mea rawa ake' (Next minute...), 'Nāwai, nāwai' (After some time...) etc, to use throughout stories to vary sentence starters. 

A wide range of:


-Doers (the 'actor' in a sentence) - people, groups and animals



Conjunctions (nā te mea, i te mea, engari, nā reira, heoi anō)


Simple descriptive sentence particles including:

-Kupuingoa (nouns)

-Kupuāhua (descriptive words - colours)


-Particles - i te, ki


Negatives for all active sentences and rereāhua


In total, this full set includes over 270 cards

Full Reremahi & Rereāhua Sentence Sets - (100mmx4mm)



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